Monday, October 6, 2014

IGNOU-M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 - Tentative Answer Key

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IGNOUEntrance Test for M.Ed. Programme 2013 Tentative Answer Key
1.       Establishing Indian Education Service (I.E.S) was recommended by:
(1)    Hunter Commission (1882)                                 (2)   Sargent Plan (1944)
(3)    Education Commission (1964-66)                      (4)    National Policy on Education (1986).
2.       Which article of the Indian Constitution is related to the Right to Education ?
(1)   Article 45                                  (2)   Article 30(1)                          
 (3)   Article 21A                               (4)   Article 15(1).
3.       Sri Prakash Committee (1959) was related to ____.
(1)   Universalisation of Primary Education              (2)   Religious and moral education
(3)   Women education                                                        (4)   Vocationalization of education.
4.       In Absolute grading, the grades are assigned on the basis of:
(1)    overall performance                                                  (2)    impressions over a period of time
(3)    conversion on Normal Pfrobability Curve       (4)    pre-determined standard.
5.       Which one of the following is not included in guidance services ?
(1)    Counselling service                                            (2)   Placement service                               
(3)    Development service                                         (4)   Follow-up service.
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
6.       Multipurpose schools were recommended by:
(1)    Secondary Education Commission chaired by Dr. A. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar
(2)     University Education Commission chaired by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(3)     Education Commission chaired by Dr. S. Kothari
(4)     Education Committee chaired by Professor Yash Pal.
7.       Vocationalisation of education at +2 stage was an outcome of the committee chaired by:
(1)   Abbot and Wood (1937)                                        (2)    Sargent (1944)
(3)   Ishwar Bhai Patel (1977)                                       (4)    Malcolm Adiseshaiya (1978).
8.       Education forAll Summit on nine High Population Countries was held in December 1993 at:
(1)   Paris                     
(2)   New Delhi                                                
(3)   Beijing                        
(4)   Geneva.
9.       Minimum Levels of Learning (MLL) lay emphasis on:
(1)    child centred learning                                        (2)   cooperative learning 
(3)    competency based learning                              (4)    content based learning.
10.   Exponent of social constructivism was:
(1)    Chomsky          (2)   Vygotsky                                 (3)   Piaget                         (4)   Dewey. IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
11.   Theory of Observational Learning was given by:
(1)    Kohlar                                                                    (2)   Pavlov                                       
(3)    Kurt Lewin                                                             (4)   Bandura.
12.   Nodal agency for monitoring the implementation of RTE 2009 is:
(1)    National Human Rights Commission 
(2)   National Council for Educational Research and Training
(3)    National Commission for Protection of Child Rights         
(4)   National Council for Teacher Education.
13.   Which one of the following is not characterized as a level of teaching ?
(1)  Memory            (2)   Understanding                        (3)   Exploratory             (4)   Reflective.
14.    The outcomes of Action Research are utilized for:
(1)   policy planning                                                              (2)   programme evaluation
(3)   improving the whole system                                   (4)   improving own practices.
15.   For realizing the goals of teacher training, the most important aspect is:
(1)   planning                                                                         (2)   training module
(3)   inspection                                                                         (4)   follow up programme. 
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
16.   The title of report of the Rammurthy Committee is:
Challenges of Education: A Policy Perspective        
(2)   Towards an Enlightened and Humane Society
(3)   Learning without Burden                                                        
(4)   Learning to All  
17.   Once enabling conditions are provided learning will automatically take place is one of the main affirmations in:
(1)   NPE – 1986                                                 (2)    POA (1992)                           
(3)   NCF 2005                                                    (4)   Education Commission (1964 – 66)
18.   “Our Secondary education remains the weakest link in our educational machinery and needs urgent reforms” is a remark of:
(1)   Secondary Education Commission                       (2)    University Education Commission
(3)   Education Commission                                              (4)    National Knowledge Commission.
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19.   In CCE, the term ‘continuous’ refers to:
(1)    Every day assessment                                               (2)   Regularity in assessment
(3)    Rigorous assessment                                                  (4)   Year-end assessment. 
20.   The title of the Report submitted by the Yash Pal Committee (1993) is :
(1)    Learning to Know                                                        (2)   Learning to Do
(3)    Learning to Live Together                                        (4)   Learning Without Burden. 
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
PART – A                                                   SECTION II : TEACHING AND RESEARCH APTITUDE
21.   Major contribution of Psychology to education lies in :       ???
(1)   defining the goals for which teacher should strive       
 (2)   identifying potentially successful procedures
(3)   providing scientific foundation to the art of teaching
(4)   comparing the relative effectiveness of various teaching procedures.
22.   For learning to be effective, a goal must be meaningful in terms of :              ???
(1)   the curricular objectives                                           (2)   the intellectual ideas involved
(3)   the learner’s need and purposes                             (4)   the teacher’s plans.
23.   In the final analysis, the key to motivation in the classroom is :       ???
(1)   the interest inherent in the subject matter        (2)   teacher’s personality and his/her teaching method  
(3)   the emotional climate of the classroom             (4)   the suitability of curricular experiences.
24.   The core curriculum does not emphasize on:
(1)   democratic procedures                                              (2)   problem solving.
(3)   a well-defined body of subject matter                          (4)   integration of different subject matters.
25.   In teaching, if nothing has been learnt then nothing has been _____.
(1)   taught                               (2)   studied                                      
 (3)   examined                  (4)   observed.   
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
26.   The function of a teacher in a democratic classroom is to:
 (1)  allow students completely free choices without any interference.
 (2)  tell students what are intelligent choices among different alternatives.
  (3)  help students become more capable of making intelligent choices among increasingly    
        significant alternatives.                                                                          
  (4)  nota.
27.   The most important function of a teacher is to :
  (1)  maintain order in the class                                           2.  Impart subject matter.
  (3)  teach problem solving techniques                            4.  Guide pupil’s growth.
28.   The teacher who has a student who stutters, should :
1.  help him/her by supplying the words he/she wants to say.
2.  help him/her take part in all the oral activities of the class.
3.  give him/her word drills on the words on which he/she stutters.
4.  provide special situation in which his/her sense of worth is built up.
29.   An I.Q. test does not provide :
1.  a high test-retest reliability                                          2.  Good predictor of behaviour.
3.  high internal consistency                                              4.  Good validity.
30.   Construct validity is a notion that refers to :
1.  that the scores on a test correlate highly with scores from tests that measure the same attribute.
2.  the level of which a construct is related to other similar measures.
3.  the degree to which items in the test consistently relate to each other.
4.  the test will produce consistent results.  
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
31.   Inclusive education is about :
1.  making provision for education for all children.?? 2.  welcoming and celebrating diversity.
3.  improving the quality of education for all.                            4.  all the above.
32.   Transfer of training from situation A to situation B is affected most by :                     ???
1.  similarity of situation A and B                                     2.  intelligence of the learner.
3.  the meaningfulnesss of situations A and B             4.  the motivation of the learner.
33.   The teaching of Froebel grew out of his belief that :                               ???
1.  the aim of education is self-realization                  
2.  spiritual meanings lay behind all phenomena, even play.
3.  the method of education should be self-activity – an unfoldment.            4.  All the above.
34.   The problem child is generally the one who has :                    ???
1.  an unsolved problem                                                      2.  a poor heredity.
3.  poor home environment                                               4.  over protective parent(s).
35.   A coefficient of correlation of 1.00 between two series of scores means that :
1.  no relationship exists between the two measures.
2.  those who did best on one measure did poorest on the other.
3.  if one set of scores are ranked in order of size, the other set of scores would automatically be arranged in order of size.
4.  those who did best on the first test one out of every two did best on the other test.        IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
36.   The purpose of early childhood education is to :
1.  emphasize the teaching of 3 Rs                                   2.  Provide them nutritious food.
3.  relieve parents from attending to their children for a few hours.
4.  improve their socialization and perceptual abilities and prepare for their school readiness.  ??
37.   Which in your opinion is the most appropriate answer ?
           Regarding acquisition of knowledge, people say that :
               1.       Sense perception is the only source of knowledge.
               2.       It is reason alone which can provide us true knowledge.
               3.       We never get knowledge, because there is no knowledge out there. It is our own construction or creation.
              4.      It is through reason and perception that we can get knowledge of the world.
38.   Guidance is a process of :
            1.       diagnosing the difficulty and prescribing the remedy.
            2.      helping the individual become more capable of self-direction.
            3.       reducing the number and seriousness of disciplinary.
            4.       keeping square pegs out of round holes.
39.   In any definition of educational sociology, the key word is :
            1.       individual                                                                               2.  society / culture                          3.  environment                               4.  interaction.
40.   Inventory is used primarily to evaluate :
            1.       Intellectual and academic growth                          2.  Intelligence and special aptitudes
3.    Sociological and sociometrical status                    4.  Interests and personality  adjustment.  IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
PART – A                                                   SECTION-III : EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGY
41.   The book titled ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ was written by :
              1.       Karl Marx                                                 2.  Ivan Illich                    
              3.  Paulo Freire                                              4.  John Dewey.
42.   A criterion-referenced test :
          1.       compares learner’s performance with the performance of the other learners in the class.
          2.      compares learner’s performance with the pre-determined standards of performance.
          3.       compares learner’s performance with his/her own performance in the previous test.
          4.       nota.
43.   ‘Give your scholar no verbal lesson, he should be taught by experience alone’. The school of thought that has put forth this view point is :
          1.       Idealism                                              2.  Naturalism                               
          3.  Pragmatism                                          4.  Realism.
44.   The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is :
            1.       Education and National Development                      
            2.  Learning the Treasure Within.
3.    Learning Without Burden                                           
4.  Towards an Enlightened and Humane Society.
45.   The emphasis in the Pedagogy of school education as per the National Curriculum Framework 2005 is :
            1.       from Behaviourism to Constructivism                          
            2.   from Cognitivism to Behaviourism.
3.    from Constructivism to Behaviourism                                 
4.   from Constructivism to Humanism. 
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
46.   If the mean of 15 numbers is 50. One more number is added, the mean is now 51. The value of the 16th number is :
            1.      63                                   2.   64                                    3.   65                                    4.   66
47.   A toddler who has a schema for flower sees Lily for the first time and says ‘flower’. Within Piaget’s theoretical framework it is known as the process of :
            1.       Assimilation                                     2.   Accommodation                     
            3.  Disequilibrium                                   4.   Centration.                 
48.   Who has emphasized the idea of “education through productive work”?
            1.       Swamy Vivekanand                                                       2.   Rabindranath Tagore
3.    Mahatma Gandhi                                                         4.   Maria Montessorie.
49.   The ability of a society to develop an institutional structure capable of adjusting to continually changing problems and demand is, because of the process of :
             1.       Modernisation                                                              2.  Urbanisation              
3.  Westernisation                                                                   4.  Industrialisation.
50.   The FOOD in Classical Conditioning experiment is an example of :
             1.       Conditioned stimulus                                                    2.   Unconditioned stimulus
3.    artificial stimulus                                                            4.   Natural response.    
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
51.   Negative reinforcement :
            1.       Increases the rate of behaviour                                2.    Decreases the rate of behaviour
3.    is a form of punishment                                           4.    Nota.
52.   The task that an individual can accomplish only with the assistance of a more experienced person represents the learner’s :
              1.       Area of cognitive dissonance                                     2.    Zone of proximal development.
3.    Learning opportunity                                                    4.    Inter-relationship.
53.   A level of measurement in which scores are ranked with respect to the intensity for a quality is called :
            1.       Nominal level of measurement                               2.   Ordinal level of measurement.
3.    Interval level of measurement.                                4.   Ratio level of measurement.
54.   The test scores of 15 students enrolled in a class IX were recorded in ascending order as follows :
4, 7, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 15, 15, 17, 17, 19, 19, 20
After calculating the mean and median, an error is discovered. One of the 15’s is really a 17. The measure of central tendency which will change is/are :
            1.       the mean only                                                         2.   the median only
3.    both the mean and the median                                 4.   neither mean nor median will change.
55.   An effective teacher is one who :
            1.       /is a master of his/her subject                                     
            2.   maintains discipline in the class
3.    is good at rapport building                                           
4.   facilitates his/her students to learn at their own. 
IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
56.   A teacher first tells the rule and principle and then cites examples to explain a concept. S/he is adopting :
            1.       inductive approach                                                     2.   deductive approach
3.    investigatory approach                                                4.   explanatory approach.
57.   In Gandhiji’s scheme of Basic Education, the recommended methods of teaching are similar to the ideology of :
             1.       Idealism                                                             2.   Pragmatism           
             3.   Naturalism                                                          4.   Realism. 
58.   The quality of school education in the country can be enhanced by :
            1.       providing the required teaching aids                     2.   raising infrastructural facilities.
3.    privatising the whole system                                4.   empowering the teachers.
59.   Effective learning is indicated by : 
      1.       ability to recall and reproduce                                  
      2.   ability to give arguments.
3.    ability to solve related problems                             
4.   ability to score high in the examination.
60.   Which one of the following, do you think, is among the ideals of a democratic society ?
            1.       Obedient fellowship                                           2.   Belief in the opinion of the leader.
3.    Powerful leadership                                           4.   Respect for enlightened individual.

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
61.   A positive body image is strongly associated with :
          1.       height                                                               2.    intelligence                 
          3.   self-esteem                                                        4.   self-actualisation.
62.   In calling the mind a ‘tabula rasa’, Locke wants to   emphasize that all knowledge comes from :
             1.       Innate ideas                                                         2.   Experience and perception                
3.    Training or ideas                                                  4.   All of the above.
63.   The principle of true teaching as ‘Nothing can be taught’ was given by:
            1.       Sri Aurobindo                                                               2.   Rousseau
3.    Rabindranath Tagore                                                    4.   Swamy Dayanand.
64.   Psychologically speaking, modern teaching methodology places emphasis to treat students as :    ??
            1.       clean slate                                                          2.   active listener                           
            3.   information processor                                        4.   obedient learner.
65.   The driving force behind a person’s efforts towards achieving certain goal(s) is referred to :
1.       Interest                                                        2.   Motivation                                  
3.   Incentive                                                      4.   Instinct.   

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
66.   Valuing is an objective of education under the  :
                 1.       Cognitive domain                                                    
                 2.   Affective domain
     3.    Psychomotor domain                                                   
     4.   Cognitive as well as psychomotor domain.
67.   Micro-teaching is a technique used for :
                1.       Teaching small sized classes                                                      
                2.   Teaching in a simulated condition
    3.    Preparation of teachers in Specific Teaching skill           
    4.    All of the above.
68.   National Curriculum Framework-2005 derives its basis mainly from :
               1.       Learning without burden                                                             
               2.   Learning the treasure within
   3.    Towards an enlightened and humane society                     
   4.   All of the above.
69.   Creative thinking is :
               1.       longitudinal                                                     2.   horizontal                    
               3.   tangential                                                          4.   cross-sectional
70.   A teacher who asks students to write the summary of a given story is measuring the educational objective related to:
               1.       knowledge                                                      2.   comprehension         
               3.   synthesis                                                          4.   application.                 

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
71.   The distinguishing feature of subjective and objective methods of evaluation is :
1.       exactness                           2.   time involved            3.   prejudice                      4.   impartiality.
72.   In a test on Mathematics administered on class VI students, most of the students failed in the Fraction related section of the test. The teacher in such a case should construct and administer :
1.       a diagnostic test                                                              2.    a mastery test.
3.    an achievement test                                                       4.    any of the above.
73.   The adoption of symbols (customs, rituals etc.) of higher caste is an attempt to move up the hierarchical ladder of castes is called :
1.       Sanskritization                                                                 2.    Modernisation
3.    Urbanisation                                                                     4.    This is not true of castes.
74.   Hidden curriculum is a term which means :
1.       Null curriculum                                              
2.       A curriculum is an overt plan of intended study and there is nothing like hidden curriculum.
3.       It includes the ethos and value system of the school and is implicitly provided to the learner.
4.       It refers to totality of all experiences given to learners.
75.   John Dewey emphasized that acquisition of knowledge is a/an :
1.       active and explorative process in a social setup.
2.       sensory experience away from conflicts of the society.
3.       approach which gives new meaning to man’s search for God or truth.
4.       process in which the mind is utterly still and allows for freedom from the known. 

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
76.   Teaching a body of knowledge uncritically for the purpose of bringing about acceptance is called
1.       reflection                                                                            2.   indoctrination.
3.    unipolar process of teaching-learning                   4.   training.

77.   One of the following is correct about the development of language abilities of children :
        1.       children come to school with extremely limited language abilities as language is a complex rules governed system.
        2.       home language of children can seriously interfere with their formal learning and should be avoided as a medium of instruction.
       3.       multilinguism which is a typical feature of Indian linguistic diversity must be used as a resource. ??
        4.       implementing three-language formula can pose complex difficulties and should therefore be avoided.
78.   Action Research is undertaken :
           1.       by students for the award of degree/diploma                  
           2.  by practitioners to improve upon their practices.
           3.       by NGOs to form the basis of plans and policies.              
           4.  by Government of India for allocation of funds.
79.   As per RTE Act, 2009, how much percentage of children from economically weaker sections of the society should be given admission in privately-managed schools ?
1.       10 %                     2.    15%                                               3.    20 %                              4.   25 %
80.   “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”. Who among the following said this :
1.       Acharya Rama Murti                                                     2.    Swami Vivekananda.
3.    Jean Piaget                                                                         4.    Maria Montessori. 

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
PART – B                                   SECTION-IV (i) : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Directions : (Qs. 81 to 84) : In each of the following questions, some alternatives have been suggested for the idioms. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning.
81.    A hard nut to crack :
            1.       To be deceived                                                  2.    Lazy                              
            3.    To confirm                                                        4.    A difficult problem.
82.   Blow one’s own trumpet :
1.       Praise others loudly                                                      2.    Speak abusively.
3.    Praise oneself loudly                                                      4.    Balanced.
83.   Movers and shakers :
1.       Be innovative                                                                   2.    Speak at length.
3.    Steal the show                                                     4.    Powerful and influential people.
84.   Promise someone the moon :
            1.       Promises that are impossible to keep.                   2.    Start working.
3.    Seek to gain advantage by flattery                          4.    Assign the work to somebody.
Direction (Qs. 85 to 92) : In each of the following questions some alternatives have been given. Choose from the four alternatives the word(s) which best completes the sentence.
85.   He does not like to be friendly with Preeti. He always gives her the cold ______.
1.       push                      2.    insult                                             3.   shoulder                       4.   coffee.

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
86.   With rising prices people find it difficult to make ______ meet. 
    1.       the both ends                                           2.   both their ends                           
    3.    both ends                                                4.   both the ends
87.   Children below the age of 12 can be tried only by the ______ court.
1.       Supreme                             2.   High                                3.   District                          4.   Juvenile
88.   The train is ______ time.
1.       besides                                 2.   between                       3.   behind                           4.   by 
89.   My friend has been suffering _____ fever _____ last Monday.
1.       from; for                             2.   from; since                  3.   with; since                   4.   with; for
90.   In the morning, I am often short _____ time and so I have a glance _____ the newspaper headlines.
1.       at; of                                     2.   of; of                              3.   of; at                               4.   of; about

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
91.   He behaved _____ in the battlefield.
1.       with cowardice               2.   like a coward             3.   cowardly way           4.   Cowardly
92.   He is _____ all for his generosity.
           1.       known to                                                        2.   known for                   
           3.   known with                                                     4.   known by
Direction (Qs. 93-95) : In each of the following questions some alternatives have been given. Choose one word which best summarizes the sentence.         
93.   Notice of death, especially in a newspaper:
1.       Advertisement                 2.   Declaration                 3.   Obituary                       4.   Referendum.
94.   Official counting of the people in a country:
1.       Collection                           2.   Gathering                     3.   Crowd                           4.   Cencus
95.   One who unlimited powers:
1.       God                                        2.   Omnivorous               3.   Omniscient                 4.   Omnipotent

IGNOU M.Ed. Entrance Test 2013 Answer Key
Direction (Qs. 96 – 98) : Which one of the given alternatives is most similar to the word printed in capital letters ?
1.       Abate                                    2.   Dissipate                      3.   Reject                            4.   Relieve
97.   IMPULSIVE               :
1.       Deliberate                          2.   Wary                              3.   Rash                               4.   Impressive
1.       Logic                                     2.   Precision                      3.   Lucidity                        4.   Profoundly
Direction (Qs. 99 – 100) : Which one of the given alternatives is nearly opposite to the word        printed in capital letters ?
99.   ZEALOUS:
              1.       Absent-minded                                             2.   Distraught                  
              3.   Inattentive                                                     4.   Indifferent
100.           IMMACULATE:
  1.       Flawed                                                 2.   Stained                           
  3.   Uneven                                                  4.   Impure.  
IGNOUEntrance Test for M.Ed. Programme 2013 Tentative Key
Pl Note: Most answers are well-referenced; doubtful ones/unknown ones are given with ?? symbol

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