Wednesday, October 22, 2014


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Dear Students!
Following is the collection of all TN State Board Exam Questions (for Plus Two Physics) that appeared from March 2006 to September 2014. Answers for the MCQs and Problems will be uploaded soon. Pl note that the circuit diagrams are missing in this file; the same can be viewed in the pdf file uploaded in the same name as this file.

MARCH – 2006 UP TO SEP – 2014
Resistance of a metal wire of length 10 cm is 2 Ω. If the wire is stretched uniformly to 50 cm, the resistance is M06
a] 25 Ω b] 10 Ω c] 5 Ω d] 50 Ω.
The colour code on a carbon resistor is red-red-black. The resistance of the resistor is J06
a] 2.2 Ω b] 22 Ω c] 220 Ω d] 2.2 KΩ
A copper wire has a resistance of R. On doubling its length, the specific resistance will S06
a] be doubled b] be halved c] become four times d] remain the same
The brown ring at one end of a carbon resistor indicates a tolerance of M07
a] 1 % b] 2 % c] 5 % d] 10 %
The unit of conductivity is J07
a] mho b] ohm c] ohm-m d] mho-m – 1
The material through which electric charge can flow easily is S07, S14
a] quartz b] mica c] germanium d] copper.
In the case of insulators, as the temperature decreases the resistivity M08, M09
a] decreases b] increases c] remains constant d] becomes zero
If the length of a copper wire has a certain resistance R, then on doubling the length its specific resistance will J08, S09, M10, M11, S11
a] be doubled b] be one fourth c] become four times d] remain the same
When two 2 Ω resistances are in parallel, their effective resistance is S08, J11
a] 2 Ω b] 4 Ω c] 1 Ω d] 0.5 Ω
The transition temperature of mercury is J09
a] 〖4.2〗^( 0)C b] 4.2 K c] 〖 2.4 〗^0 C d] 2.4 K
A toaster operating at 240V has a resistance of 120Ω. The power is J10
a] 400 W b] 2 W c] 480 W d] 240 W
The relation between current and drift velocity is S10
a] I = (n A v_( d))/e b] I = n A vd e c] I = (n e v_( d))/A d] I = n A vd E.
When the diameter of a conductor is doubled, its resistance M12
a] decreases twice b] decreases four times
c] decreases sixteen times d] increases four times.
A cell of emf 2.2 V sends a current of 0.2 A through a resistance of 10 Ω. The internal resistance of the cell is J12
a] 0.1 Ω b] 1 Ω c] 2 Ω d] 1.33 Ω.
When n resistors of equal resistance (R) are connected in series, the effective resistance is S12
a] n/R b] R/n c] 1/nR d] nR.
The electrical resistivity of a thin copper wire and a thick copper rod are respectively ρ1 Ω m and ρ2 Ω m. Then: M13
a] ρ1 > ρ2 b] ρ2 > ρ1 c] ρ1 = ρ2 d] ρ_2/ρ_1 = ∞ .
In the case of insulators, as the temperature increases, the resistivity J13, J14
a] decreases b] increases c] remains constant d] becomes zero.
The unit of electrochemical equivalent is S13
a] kg•C b] ( kg)/A c] kg/(A•s) d] C/kg •
When n resistors of equal resistance R are connected in series and in parallel respectively, then the ratio of their effective resistance is M14
a] 1 : n^2 b] n^2 : 1 c] n : 1 d] 1 : n.

State Ohm’s law. M06, S07, S09, M10, J12, S12, M13, S14
In the following circuit, find the current through the circuit. Mention its direction. M06
State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis. M06, J10
Write any three applications of superconductors. J06, S06, J07, S07, J13
A manganin wire of length 2m has a diameter of 0.4 mm with a resistance of 70 Ω. Find the resistivity of the material. J06, M13
State Kirchoff’s [i] current law and [ii] voltage law. J06, M08
Define mobility of electrons. Give its unit. S06, M08, M09
Three resistors are connected in series with 10 V supply as shown in the figure. Find the voltage drop across each resistor. S06
State Kirchoff’s voltage law or second law for electrical network. M07, M09, J11, M12, M14
Define drift velocity. (Give its unit). M07, S08, J09, S09, M10, S10, M11, (S11), J13
The resistance of a platinum wire at 0 0 C is 4 Ω. What will be the resistance of the wire at 100 0 C if the temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum is 0.0038 / 0 C. Comment on the result. M07, J09, J10
Distinguish between (Compare) e.m.f. and potential difference. J07, S08, J11, J12, M13
The resistance of a nichrome wire at 0 0 C is 10 Ω. If the temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.004 / 0C, find its resistance at boiling point of water. Comment on the result. J07, S07, M08, S10, S11, S12, S13
Define temperature coefficient of resistance. J08, M11, J14
Distinguish between electric power and electric energy. J08, J09, S13, J14, S14
An iron box of 400 W power is used daily for 30 minutes. If the cost per unit is 75 paise, find the weekly expense on using the iron box. J08
What are the applications of secondary cells? S08, S11, M12
Two wires of same material and length have resistances 5 Ω and 10 Ω respectively. Find the ratio of radii of the two wires. M09
In the given circuit, what is the total resistance and current supplied by the battery. S09
If 6.25 x 10 18 electrons flow through a given cross-section of a conductor in unit time, find the current.
[ Given: Charge of an electron is 1.6 x 10 – 19 C ] M10, J11
What are the changes observed at the transition temperature when a conductor becomes a superconductor? J10, M14
State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. S10, J13
Find the magnitude and direction of the current in the following circuit: M11, S14
Define transition temperature. M12
From the following network find the effective resistance between A and B: J12
Define resistivity of a material. S12
What is superconductivity? S13
An incandescent lamp is operated at 240 V and the current is 0.5 A. What is the resistance of the
lamp? M14


Define mobility. (Establish a relation between drift velocity and current). M06, S14
Obtain the condition for bridge balance in Wheatstone’s bridge. M06, J06, S06, M08, J09, M10
State and verify Faraday’s second law of electrolysis. J06, M08, M11, S13
If two or more resistors are connected in parallel, derive an expression for the effective resistance. S06
How will you compare the e.m.f.s of two cells using a potentiometer? M07, S10, S11, M12, M14

a] In the given network, calculate the effective resistance between points A and B.
b] The effective resistances are 10Ω, 2.4Ω when two resistors are connected in series and parallel. What are the
resistances of individual resistors? M07 (cmplsry), S11
State and explain Kirchoff’s second law for electrical network. J07
Explain the working of a Lechlanche cell with a diagram. J07, S12, S13
Explain the principle of potentiometer. S07, J14
Explain the action of lead-acid accumulator. S07
Explain the determination of internal resistance of a cell using voltmeter. J08, S09, J11, M13, J13
State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis and describe the experimental verification. J08
Explain the construction and working of Daniel cell. S08, J09, J10, M11, M14
Write any five applications of superconductors. S08, M09, J11, S12, M13, J14, S14
A copper wire of 10 − 6 m 2 area of cross section, carries a current of 2 A. If the number of electrons per cubic metre is 8 × 10 28, calculate the current density and average drift velocity. M09
State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. How is it verified experimentally? S 09
The effective resistances are 10Ω, 2.4Ω when two resistors are connected in series and parallel. What are the resistances of individual resistors? M10
Three resistors 5 Ω, 3 Ω and 2 Ω are connected in series with 10 V supply. Find the voltage drop across each resistor.
What is the drift vel. of an electron in a copper conductor having area 10 x 10 – 6 m 2, carrying a current of 2 A. Assume that there are 10 x 10 28 electrons / m 3. J10 (cmplsry)
Find the current flowing across three resistors 3Ω, 5Ω and 2Ω connected in parallel to a 15 V supply. Also find the effective resistance and total current drawn from the supply.
( OR )
In a metre bridge, the balancing length for a 10 Ω resistance in left gap is 51.8 cm. Find the unknown resistance and specific resistance of a wire of length 108 cm and radius 0.2 mm. S10 (cmplsry)
Three resistors are connected in series with 10 V supply as shown in the figure. Find the voltage drop across each resistor and effective resistance of series combination. M12
Discuss the variation of resistance with temperature with an expression and a graph. J12
a) An iron box of power 400 W is used daily for 30 minutes. If the cost per unit is 75 paise, find the weekly expense on using the iron box. (OR)
b) Q. No. 20 (b) J12
The resistance of a field coil measures 50 Ω at 200 C and 65 Ω at 700 C. Find the temperature coefficient of resistance. J13


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