Sunday, December 14, 2014


IGNOUEntrance Test for M.Ed. Programme 2014 August, 2014
Tentative Score Key
1.       Implementation of 10+2+3 pattern of education was emphasized by :
1.       Sadler Commission (1917)
2.    University Education Commission (1948)
3.    National Policy on Education (1968) 
4.   National Policy on Education (1986).
2.       After the 86th constitutional amendment, the earlier Article 45 Under Directive Principles now refers to :
1.      Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) of children from 0 to 6 years.
2.       Primary Education of children in 6 to 11 years age group.
3.       Upper Primary Education of children in 12 to 14 years age group.
4.       Elementary Education of children in 6 to 14 years age group.
3.       U.G.C had constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar in 1971 to look into the problems pertaining to :
1.       Uniformity of courses across the universities                       
 2.    Student’s unrest.
3.    Teachers’ union   
4.    Quality of teaching and research.
4.       Relative grading is based on :
1.       Impressionistic assessment in qualitative terms            
2.       Assigning grades on the basis of pre-determined standard.
3.  Assigning grades on the basis of transformation through Normal Probability Curve.
4.       Assigning grades on the basis of overall performance.
5.       Which of the following should not constitute an objective of vocational guidance at primary level ?
1.       Introduction to dignity of labour
2.   Inculcation of children’s interest in work through hands
3.    Introduction to world of work                          
4.   Establishment of hand-head coordination.
6.       Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) was an offshoot of the committee chaired by :
1.       Phillip Hertog (1929)                                                    
2.   Abbot and Wood (1937)
3.    Ishwar Bhai Patel (1977)
4.   Malcom Adisheshaiya (1978).
7.       Neighbourhood schools were recommended by :
1.       NCF 2005                                                                             
2.   NPE 1986
3.    Education Commission (1964-66)                  
4.   Secondary Education Commission (1952-53)
8.       World Declaration on Education for All to meet basic needs was adopted in a world conference held at :
1.       Jomtien, Thailand (1990)                              2.   Dakar, Senegal (2000)
3.    Salamanca, Spain (1994)                                                                 4.   Washington, D.C. (1991)
9.       Minimum Levels of Learning is based on the principle of :
1.       Child-friendly learning                                                 2.   Co-operative learning.
3.    Mastery learning                                    4.   Barrier-free learning.
10.   Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning is represented in terms of stimulus (S) and response (R) as :
1.       S à R                  2.   S O R      3.   S R R             4.   S ONR R.
11.   Constructivism works on :
1.       Pupils answers and teachers’ suggestions  
2.   Only correct responses by pupils.
3.    All possible responses given by pupils                   4.    Pupils responses approved by teachers.
12.   Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is a programme of Govt. of India for :
1.       Universalization of secondary education for children in the age group 15-18 years.
2.  Universalization of secondary education for children in the age group 15-16 years.
3.       Achieving high levels of literacy among adolescents.
4.       Universalization of secondary education for children of deprived sections at secondary stage.
13.   RTE 2009 has :
1.       Rationalized corporal punishment                                        
2.   Partially banned corporal punishment.
3.    Allowed corporal punishment if parents want.                  
4.   Totally banned corporal punishment.  
14.   Action research is done by :
1.       persons trained in research                                                        
2.   professional research organizations.
3.    a group of stakeholders                                                                 
4.   practitioners.
15.   Goals of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) are not being fully realized owing to :
1.      lack of funds                                                                     
2.   lack of infrastructural facilities.   
3.    no detention policy                                                         
4.   lack of commitment among teachers.
For feedback
16.   Setting up of Navodaya Vidhyalayas was recommended by :
1.       National Policy on Education, 1968                                        
2.   National Policy on Education, 1986.
3.    Revised Programme of Action, 1992                                      
4.   Rammurthy Committee, 1990.
17.   Which document highlighted ‘Let the teachers teach and student learn, so as to make the system work ?’
1.       Challenge of Education (1985)                                    2.   NPE (1986)
3.    POA (1992)                                                 4.   NCF (2005).
18.   Emotional Integration Committee (1961) was held under the chairmanship of :
1.       Dr. Sampurnanand                          2.   Dr. J.P. Naik.
3.    Smt. Hansa Mehta                                                        4.   Smt. Indira Gandhi.
19.   The first Indian scholar to treat mathematics as a distinct subject was :
1.       Aryabhatta                                                2.   Vijayanandal                               
3.   Varahamihir                                                                   4.  Brahmagupta.
20.   The scheme of Basic Education was given by :
1.       Sri Aurobindo                                                               2.   Rabindra Nath Tagore             
3.    J. Krishnamurti                                                     4.   Mahatma Gandhi.
21.   The function of a teacher is primarily that of a :
1.       Guru, tending to personal and spiritual needs of children.
2.       Service station attendant, filling students with knowledge.
3.  Guide, helping the child progress towards maximum growth.
4.       Director, organizing and planning worthwhile experiences for the class.
22.   The major goal of classroom discipline is to promote :
1.       Silence and order in the classroom                         
2.    Complete elimination of pupils misconduct.
3.    good study conditions                                                   
4.  Self direction on the part of the students.
23.   The most effective method of dealing with a child who has persistent behavioural problems is to :
1.   determine the cause of his/her misbehaviour                        
2.   report his/her parents.
3.    refer him/her to the counsellor                                   4.   Report the matter to the principal.
24.   In constructing a test, it is necessary to make a table of specifications in order to ensure :
1.       objectivity of the test.      
2.   adequate sampling of objectives.
3.    elimination of ambiguous items                              4.   Nota.
25.   The research has constantly demonstrated that the best single index of readiness of a given academic task is :
1.       The I.Q. – intelligent quotient                                    2.   The A.Q. - achievement quotient.
3.    The M.A. – mental age                 4.   The E.Q. – emotional quotient.
26.   Which of the following is the correct sequence of motivational set ?
1.       goal-directed behaviour, attainment of goal, drive, satisfaction.
2.      drive, goal-directed behaviour, attainment of goal, satisfaction.
3.       drive, satisfaction, attainment of goal, goal-directed behaviour.                              4.    Nota.  
27.   Creativity is the counterpart of :
1.       intelligence                        2.  personality                                               3.   interest                         4.  aptitude.
28.   Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan makes provision for :
1.       special education for the disabled.                                          2.   integrated education for the disabled.
3.    inclusive education for the disabled.                            4.   nota.
29.   The basic reason why meaningful material is learned rapidly is that :
1.       the learner is less likely to become bored.                         
2.       it has continuity and meaning inherent in itself.
3.       it permits more effective transfer.
4.       it is related to the previous experience of the learner.                                                                                                     [ref<>ref]
30.   The crucial aspect of scientific thinking is :
1.       the problem.                     2.   the hypothesis.                     3.   the results.                  4.   the method.
31.   One’s attitudes and values form the basis of one’s:
1.       Self concept                                                                                       2.   Popularity and reputation
3.    effectiveness in dealing with one’s environment             4.   Personal and social adjustment. 
32.   4-As with reference to right to education are:
1.       Availability, Accessibility, Acquisition, Acceptability   
2.       Accessibility, Adaptibility, Assessment, Availability
For feedback

3.       Availability, Adaptibility, Acceptability, Affectability
4.       Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, Adaptibility.
33.   To educate according to nature means:
1.       To return to natural as opposed to artificial in life
2.       To educate according to the natural laws of human development
3.       To study natural laws and apply them to educational process
4.       All the above.
34.   Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism?
1.       Reject the scientific method of experimentation.
2.       Maintain that complete objectivity is possible.
3.       Accept the stimulus-response theory of learning.
4.       Claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative.
35.   Which of the following represents the highest correlation possible between two variables?
1.       0.00                       2.    +0.50                             3.    1.00                             4.    +2.00
36.   The chief point of distinction between teacher-made tests and standardized tests lies in the area of:
1.       Objectivity         2.   Norms                         3.    Sampling                     4.    Marketability.
37.   A standardized test was given to a secondary class, and most of the students failed miserably; which one of the following could be the explanation the most probable cause is:
1.      poor teaching methods                                          2.    subnormal pupil’s intelligences
3.    lack of reliability of the test                                       4.    lack of validity of the test.
38.   Which of the following does not essentially imply/characterize a good and effective teacher?
1.       Who has sound knowledge of the subject he/she is teaching.
2.      Who has obtained a formal degree for becoming a teacher.
3.       Who has good communicative ability.
4.       Who has sound knowledge of pedagogy.
39.   Awarding grades in place of marks is recommended because:
1.       It will improve the overall quality of education.             
2.       Teaching learning will be facilitated.  
3.      Differentiation among students based on marks will be eliminated.
4.       Grades are easier to give than marks.
40.   UNESCO report on Education for the Twenty First Century, was titled:
1.      Towards a learning society                                                        2.    Learning: the Treasure Within
3.    Towards a Humane and Enlightened Society                     4.    Learning to be.
41.   Which of the following represents the correct order of Piaget’s stages of intellectual development?
1.       Sensorimotor – concrete operational – formal operational – pre operational.
2.       Pre operational - concrete operational - formal operational – sensorimotor.
3.      Sensorimotor - pre operational - concrete operational - formal operational.
4.       Sensorimotor - pre operational - formal operational - concrete operational.
42.   Which of the following statements is correct about the difference between the terms Sex and Gender?
1.       The terms Sex and Gender are synonymous.
2.       Sex refers to biological aspects of identity and gender refers to psycho-social identity.
3.      Sex refers to biological aspects of identity and gender refers to socio-cultural identity.
4.       Gender refers to biological aspects of identity and sex refers to socio-cultural identity.
43.   Which of the following reflects the Pragmatist’s viewpoint?
1.      Values are relative and constantly changing.                         
2.       All knowledge is the result of sensory experiences.
3.       Ultimate reality is spiritual in nature.                                    4.    All of the above.      
44.   Accommodation is the process of:
1.       Acquiring concepts by observing and comparison.
2.       Incorporating new experiences according to one’s cognitive structure.
3.      Incorporating new experiences after changing one’s cognitive structure.
4.       Understanding new experiences by linking with familiar ones.
45.   Learning is best defined as :
1.       a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to maturation.
2.       a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to education.
3.      a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience.
4.       any change in behaviour of individual.
46.   The development of feeling of appreciation comes under the category of :
1.       Cognitive domain                                                                           2.    Affective domain.
3.    Psychomotor domain                                                                   4.    All of the above.
47.   Through the 86th Amendment of the Constitution, Education is made a fundamental right under which of the following articles?
1.      21A                                                       2.   45                                    3.   51A                                 4.   30(1)            
48.   Find the odd one out :
1.       Mean                                                     2.    Median                         3.    Mode                             4.    Range.
49.   Programmed instruction is the direct application of which of the following ?
1.       Classical conditioning                                                                   2.     Operant conditioning.
3.    Trial and error theory                                                                   4.     Contiguity theory.   
50.   Which branch of philosophy attempts to study the Ultimate Reality ?
1.      Metaphysics                                   2.    Axiology                      3.    Epistemology           4.    Aesthetics.
51.   Which of the following questions is most philosophical in nature ?
1.       What is the exact shape of the earth ?
2.       Does heaven exist in some kind of transcendental reality ?
3.       What is truth, beauty and goodness ?                                           4.     What career should I choose ?
52.   What does SCERT stand for ?
1.       Smart Classes for Educational Research and Training .
2.      State Council for Educational Research and Training.
3.       State Centre for Empowering Retired Teachers.
4.       State Centre for Excellence in Research and Training.
53.   The Reservation Policy in our country promotes :
1.       Horizontal social mobility                                                          2.    Equality of Opportunities.
3.    Empowerment of all                                                                     4.    All of the above.
54.   What is ‘Sociology of Education’?
1.       A branch of Anthropology                                                         
2.       A social science which studies the primitive societies.
3.       An analysis of society, social institutions and man’s place in them.
4.      An analysis of sociological processes involved in the institutions of Education.    
55.   The ‘dialogue method’ of teaching-learning is the contribution of :
1.      Socrates                            2.    Plato                                             3.    Kilpatrick                    4.     Froebel.
56.   The brain of any computer is :
1.       UPS                                       2.    CPU                                              3.    Monitor                       4.     Hard Disc.
57.   All the following are examples of Constructivist teaching except :
1.       Allowing students to work together                                      2.    Relating new concepts to prior knowledge.
3.    Using positive reinforcement                                            4.    Providing feedback to students.
58.   What can be the right arrangement for education of physically-challenged children ?
1.       To educate them in special schools                        2.    To educate them along with mainstream children.
3.    To open a separate section for them in normal schools                4.    Any of the above.   
59.   Delinking of degrees from jobs is one of the recommendations of :
1.      NPE, 1986                                                                                        2.    Education Commission, 1964 – 66.
3.    Univesity Education Commission, 1948 – 49                    4.    No such recommendation has ever been given.
60.   In the theory of Vygotsky, “the task that an individual can accomplish only with the assistance of a more experienced person” represents :
1.       Area of cognitive dissonance                                                     2.    Zone of proximal development.
3.    Interactive task                                                                                4.    Interdependence.   
61.   The decision making is a kind of :
1.       Thinking                             2.    Problem solving                      3.    Management          4.    Rationalisation.
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62.   The value of mean, median and mode coincide in the case of which type of distribution ?
1.       Negatively skewed                                                                         2.    Positively skewed.
3.    Symmetrical                                                                                  4.    All of the above.
63.   The concept of Mental age was given by :
1.       Spearman                           2.    Binet                                           3.    Weschler                     4.    Guilford.
64.   Choose the odd group of human abilities that do not belong to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences ?
1.       Logico-mathematical, spatial, musical                 2.    Linguistic, interpersonal, naturalistic
3.    Intrapersonal, musical, interpersonal                    4.    Bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, experiential.
65.   The term ‘Alternative Framework’ is used to describe :
1.       Innovative alternatives in teaching and evaluation that can improve the related practices.
2.       Non-conventional curriculum frameworks.
3.       Parallel frameworks for undertaking a task.
4.      Children’s ideas about concepts that do not match the scientifically accepted notions and definitions.
66.     Which of the following is a learner-centred method ?
1.       Lecture method                                                               2.    Discussion method.
3.    Project method                                                                4.    Demonstration method.
67.   Which one of the following is a projected aid ?
1.       Photograph                       2.    Flash card                                   3.    Slides                          4.    Puppets.     
68.   If a child seems fatigued from mental work, the teacher should :
1.       Decrease the amount of work one has to do.
2.      Provide him/her with a greater variety of tasks.
3.       Increase the attractiveness of rewards to be given for continuing the work.
4.       Increase the severity of punishment to be given on not continuing the work.  
69.   According to John Dewey ‘Education is a tripolar process’. Which of the following is not included in the three poles ?
1.       Teacher                               2.    Learner                                        3.    Curriculum                4.    Evaluation.
70.   Education is defined as continuous reorganisation and reconstruction of experiences implies :
1.       Emphasis on knowledge as the chief aim of education.
2.       Disciplining of mind as the chief aim of education.
3.      Education is the process of individual growth.
4.       Education is a process of training for adult life.
71.   Equalisation of educational opportunities means :
1.       Enrolling all children in schools.
2.       Making schools available for all children.
3.       Creating opportunities for success of all children.
4.       Having same type of schools for all children.
72.   Scientific attitude refers to :
1.       Attitude of students towards science and its principles.
2.       Attitude of great scientists towards science and life.
3.      Open mindedness  and a desire for accurate knowledge.
4.       All of the above.
73.   Which of the project came in vogue in response to teacher absenteeism ?
1.       Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan                                                 2.    District Primary Education Project.
3.    Lok Jumbish                                                                      4.    Shiksha Karmi.
74.   The author of the book entitled ‘The Republic’ is :
1.       Rousseau                            2.    John Dewey                               3.    Aristotle                      4.    Plato.
75.   The Gross Enrolment Ratio at elementary stage may even exceed 100 as it takes into account :
1.       All the children in the age group 6-14 years enrolled at elementary stage.
2.      All the children studying in classes I-VIII irrespective of their age.
3.       All the adults who are seeking elementary education besides children in the age group 6-14 years.
4.       It can never exceed.
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76.   Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
1.      It is necessary for a moral person to have faith in religion.
2.       Wastage at the primary stage is the main hurdle in achieving UEE.
3.       Internationalism is complementary rather than contradictory to Nationalism.
4.       None of the above.
77.   A test that can measure different achievement levels of learners is said to be :
1.       Comprehensive                            2.   Reliable                         3.    Discriminative                         4.   Diagnostic.
78.   Drawing a generalisation from examples is :
1.       Heuristic method                                                                            2.    Scientific method.
3.    Inductive method                                                                       4.    Deductive method.
79.   Which of the following statements is true about CCE ?
1.       It is a term-end process                               2.   It provides opportunities for mid-course corrections.
3.    It is synonymous with examination                       4.   It aims at promoting students to next class.
80.   The activity of teaching mainly consists of :
1.       Planning and providing learning situations            2.    Asking questions and appraising answers.
3.    Introducing pupils to new ideas                                               4.    Making pupils work hard to learn.
Directions (Qs. 81 to 84) : In each of the following questions, some alternatives have been suggested for the idioms. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning ?
81.   Call a spade a spade :
1.       Cordially                                                                                             2.    Speak diplomatically                            
3.    To speak politely                                                                             4.    To speak very plainly.
82.   Ask/cry for the moon :
1.       To want something that is not possible                      2.    Make a far cry.
3.    Try hard                                                                                              4.    Show sadness that is not sincere.
83.   Snug as a bug in a rug :
1.       A quick temper                                                                                                2.    Play fast and loose.
3.    Very cozy and comfortable                                                  4.    Into the huddle.
84.   Pull the rabbit out of the hat :
1.       Not really progressing                                                  2.    To do a brave deed.
3.    To do something surprising or amazing       4.    Something that has happened and cannot be changed.

Directions (Qs. 85 to 92) : In each of the following questions, some alternatives have been. Choose from the four alternatives the word(s) which best completes the sentence ?
85.   Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson is considered to be the greatest _______________ ever written.
1.       novel                                    2.    autobiography                          3.    fiction                           4.    biography.
86.   Everyone was __________ by surprise when she announced her plan to marry that boy.
1.       moved                                 2.    shaken                                          3.    taken                          4.    deadened.  
87.   ___________ he is studying law.
1.       On present                         2.    At presently                               3.    In present                   4.    Presently.
88.   The population of Tokyo is greater than __________ in India.
1.       any other town                                2.    that of any town                  3.    of any town               4.    any town.
89.   The sun __________ before we reached the village.
1.       would have set                 2.    would set                                    3.    had set                       4.    may set.
90.   She hides her cunningness __________ the mask of _________ innocence.
1.       under, of                           2.    of, under                                      3.    in, for                            4.    at, of.
91.   He was deprived ___________ his ancestral property.
1.       about                                    2.    of                                                   3.    for                                  4.    with.
92.   My sister lives, ___________ a large house ____________ a village a few miles away from Delhi.
1.       at, in                                      2.   in, in                                             3.    in, of                              4.    in, about.
For feedback

Directions (Qs. 93 to 95) : In each of the following questions, some alternatives have been. Choose one word which best summarizes the sentence.
93.   To favour one’s own relatives :
1.       Nepotism                          2.   Favouritism                                3.    Red-tapism 4.    Optimism.
94.   A book containing every kind of information :
1.       Compendium                    2.    Encyclopaedia                      3.    Ledger                          4.    Epitome.
95.   That which catches fire easily :
1.       Incombustible                  2.   Incorrigible                                 3.    Inaudible                     4.    Inflammable.
Directions (Qs. 96 to 98) : Which one of the given alternatives is most similar to the word printed in capital letters ?
1.       Versatile                              2.    Productive                              3.    Great                             4.    Powerful.
1.       Accuse                                 2.    Describe                                      3.    Implicate                    4.    Suggest.
98.   VINDICTIVE             
1.       Harsh                                    2.    Cruel                                             3.    Revengeful                              4.    Rude.

Directions (Qs. 99 to 100) : Which one of the given alternatives is nearly opposite to the word printed in capital letters ?
1.       Interesting                         2.    Important                                   3.    Normal                      4.    Healthy.
100.           UNEQUIVOCAL
1.       Mistaken                             2.    Quaint                                          3.    Ambiguous             4.    Universal.

Pl. Note: Most of the key answers (given in bold) are well-referenced and correct; however, for some I could not find answers, and I also feel that some of the answers may not be correct. Feel free to give your  valuable feedback to>

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