Saturday, September 14, 2019


I had an ms word .docx file password protected. One day, I guess after a new windows update, the file would not open but instead showed the message:
"The document caused a serious error the last time it was opened". And even after trying out a number of solutions given in official website and a few other tech geek sites, the file simply would not open.
Next time when I tried to open, the window displayed,
"The document 'filename.docx' caused a serious error the last time it was opened. You may continue opening it or perform data recovery by clicking 'Recover Data'. Clicking 'Recover Data' will extract text out of your document but all formatting and pictures will be lost" and then three buttons 'Open', 'Recover Data' and 'Cancel' showed up.
When 'Recover Data' is clicked, 'Show Repairs' window showed up; it read:
'Errors were detected in this file, but Word was able to open the file by making the repairs listed below. Save the file to make the repairs permanent'.
It had a 'Recovered Text Only 1' blue highlighted and then a Go To button, also Sort by: Error Description radio button checked. When I 'Close'd the window then the file opened but all text was in encrypted form; the file started off as
'Root Entry' 'EncryptedPackage' 'Data Spaces' 'Version' 'Microsoft.Container.DataSpaces' 'EncryptedPackage2' 'StrongEncryptionDataSpace' 'StrongEncryptionTransform' and then all code worded text then after some lines
'Microsoft.Container.EncryptionTransform' 'DataSpaceMap' 'StrongEncryptionDataSpace' 'Primary' 'EncryptionInfo'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> and so on 
I could not get any viable solution in spite of seeing many youtube videos and geek sites. 
Finally out of sheer luck, I tried opening the corrupted file with LIBREOFFICE, and voila! It opened perfectly, the file was completely recovered to its original.

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